Өлең, жыр, ақындар

There is / There are құрылымы


Date: 02.12.2017             Teacher name: Musayev A.

The theme of the lesson. (Сабақтың тақырыбы) There is / There are құрылымы.

Лексикалық тақырыбы: My kind of place

Aims of the lesson (Сабақтың мақсаты):

1. Educational aim ( Білімділігі) - to activate listening and acting skills, to develop communicative skills and abilities, to revise the material of the last lesson

2. Developing aim (Дамытушылығы) - to develop pupils’ knowledge, logical thinking, to improve reading, writing, speaking, listening comprehension skills through doing a lots of tasks.

3. Bringing up (Тәрбиелігі)to motivate pupils interest in learning English, to bringing up pupils respect to their individuality.

The type of the lesson (Сабақтың түрі)Mixed lesson

The method of the lesson (Сабақ әдісі) - Brainstorming, a pair work, demonstration,  question-answer.

Disciplinary communication: (Пәнаралық байланыс) Russian

Visual aids (Көрнекілігі)Interactive board, cards,

Сабақтың жоспары:

  1. Organization moment
  2. Вrainstorming. 
  3. Phonetic drill
  4. Checking home task.
  5. New theme
  6. Work with books
  7. Game “Who is quickly”
  8. Conclusion.
  9. Marking.
  10. Giving homework.

The procedure of the lesson: (Сабақтың барысы):

I. Organization moment


  • Good afternoon students!
  • Good afternoon!
  • How are you?
  • Fine. Thanks, and you?
  • We are Fine!
  • Sit down, please. Who wants to say, What is the day/date today?
  • What season is it now?
  • It`s winter.
  • Yes, you are right.
  • Who is absent?
  • Now, let’s start our lesson.

II  Вrainstorming. 

What comes to mind when you hear the expression: What is calendar?

III. Phonetic drill (Фонетикалық жұмыс)


 all- (ɔl)- ball, tall, small, hall

                              al – (ɔ:)- talk, chalk,

                          ng – (ŋ) – ring, swing, spring

IV.  Checking home task. (Үйге берілген тапсырманы тексеру).

Now let’s check your home work. What was your home work?

To make up sentences using “There is / There are”

V.  New theme: The theme of our lesson is “There is / there are” in negative and question forms

      Presentation of  the new theme. (Slides)

  1. New words. Write and repeat.

a  museum – мұражай                                 a  bar – бар

an  airport – әуежай                                     a  shop - дүкен

mountains – тау                                         a  flat - пәтер

a  road – жол                                               a  house - үй

a  café – кафе                                             a  hotel – қонақ үй

          Explaining the grammar 

So, let’s continue our lesson. But at first let’s recall our grammatical rules.





There is a house

      There is not a house

Is there a house?

Yes there is / No there is not


There are houses

     There are not houses

Are there houses?  

Yes there are / No there are not

 T: Remember: in question form  “Is and Are ” the first, then “there”, then object.

  1. Doing exercises

Exercise – 8. Fill in the gaps with «is, is not, are, are not». Students do this exercise on the interactive board

  1. (٧)  There _are_ lots of good shops.
  2. (x)  There _is not__ a station.
  3. (٧)  There _____ a nice cafe by the lake.
  4. (x)  There _____ any five-star hotels.
  5. (٧)  There _____ three interesting museums.
  6. (٧)  There _____ a nice old bar near my flat.
  7. (x)  There _____ an airport near the town.
  8. (٧)  There _____ big mountains.
  1. Reading the text.

Students read the text then write from the text sentences with «there is / there are» on the blackboard.

Astana is a beautiful city. There are a lot of modern buildings,  and there is a river “Ishim”. There is the symbol of Astana “Baiterek”. There are a lot of beautiful parks and squares in Astana. In the city there are also some theatres and museums. As Astana is the capital of the country there are government buildings and the residence of the president. There isn’t a metro but there are good hotels. There aren’t mountains. Astana is a young and developing city.

VI. Work with books

Exercise – 9  Look at the interactive board. Complete questions 1-8 with «Is there or are there». Then students ask questions each other.

Places near my house

  1. __Is there____ a park?
  2. __Are there___ any shops?
  3. ____________ any good restaurants?
  4. ____________ a station?
  5. ____________ any nice cafes?
  6. ____________ a market?
  7. ____________ any nice hotels?
  8. ____________ mountains?

 VII. Game “Who is quickly”

Students should memorize pictures from the map and quickly say it.

VIII. Conclusion

Exercise – 10 Choose a favourite place.

My favourite place is:  (nice parks, interesting markets, an airport, a station, nice cafes, museums, mountains, a river)

IX. Marking. Marking pupils for their activities and abilities.

X. Home task: Your homework is to learn all new words and exercise 11.

Thank you very much for the lesson. Today we have known very interesting information about Astana, the names of places and how to use there is / there are in negative and question forms.

The lesson is over. Good-bye!


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